Welcome to
Craft Brew Journal


Work no.1

Welcome to
Craft Brew Journal

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    Welcome welcome welcome to Craft Brew Journal LLC.
    We've had this idea brewing since early 2016. We like to visit craft breweries near and far, we haunt homebrew shops wherever we find them. We mingle with homebrew communities whenever we're invited. We attend craft beer festivals and taste beer from around the world. We homebrew, we try new recipes, we keg and bottle our beer, we built a 5 tap keezer and our garage has evolved into a taproom. We try new equipment and and then we share our stories and reviews which often entertain and sometimes baffle our friends. So here we go - a passion becomes a business. Join us as we experience and promote everything about the craftbrew revolution.
    Does the world need another beer review magazine? Well, first thing, we're not critics - we experience and share the goodness. And yes, if the world needs one more brewery, one more specially designed brew pot, or one more nitro coffee stout, then someone needs to be there to experience it and share the story. we hope you sign up to receive an monthly email when we post new journal stories. We promise thee will always be good, interesting, inspiring stories about amazing craft brewing.

    We are a member of the International Brew Review, a collection of sites that collaborate on sharing information about the craft brewing community. Visit other IBR member sites: