SS Brewtech Brewpots


Work no.8

SS Brewtech Brewpots

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    What's not to like about a 20gallon brew pot and a 20gallon double wall mash tun? It only took 2 batches brewing in a 5gallon starter for us to know we wanted to brew bigger batches. We watched our friends brew all grain in the cooler conversions and we knew we figured we would go bigger. Not that money isn't a concern, it's just one of many concerns we have. We figured we could brew bigger batches in the same amount of time as a small batch. We knew by the time we built a DIY mash tun the time and money would be held the cost of a stainless system that would grow with us. When the SSTech big boys showed up we couldn't wait to get them cookin'. From the first batch we knew we knew we would never be able to blame a bad batch on the equipment. Get cookin'!